Ducklings & Chicks

We breed our birds for our own purposes and typically have extra babies to share. They are not show quality, but will serve you well if you are looking for a pet or backyard birds of your own.

Minimum of 2, unsexed. (3-4 Highly Recommended)

Birds are flock animals and thrive when they have a flock. Because they are fragile as babies, having more from the start helps to ensure that you don’t end up with a lone solitaire depressed bird.

If interested please contact us to make a deposit and get on our waiting list. I do not promote Easter purchases, please don’t ask.

Breeds Available:

Ducklings $15 each:

  • Muscovy Ducks

  • Fawn & White Runner Ducks

  • Black Runner Ducks

  • Barnyard Mix Runner Ducks - Drakes include: Black or Fawn & White Runner

    Hens include: Black or Fawn & White Runner, Golden 300, or Welsh Harlequin

Chicks $5 each:

  • Barnyard Mixes -

    Rooster: Easter Egger

    Hens include: Rhode Island Red, Easter Egger, Ameraucana, Barred Rock, Black Sex Link

Looking for sexed or older birds?

$35 each

The younger the bird is, the easier it is for them to acclimate to a new environment and the friendlier they will be with you.

If you are unable to raise babies or need to find an older companion for your existing birds, we may be able to help.

We often have Runner Drakes available at 8 weeks old and Muscovy Ducks available 10-12 weeks of age.

Older egg laying hens may also be available. If you are looking for something else, let’s talk.